Welcome to Rock Creek

Thank you for taking time to check us out online!
At Rock Creek, we believe you matter to God!
Right now you may be looking for answers or inspiration, on this page you will find many ways to plug in. If you need something you don’t see here, please contact us.

Pastor Mark Evans

Mark Evans understands people. For thirty years, he’s been helping people from all walks of life achieve maximum results in their relationships, personal lives, and careers.

What sets Mark apart is that he deals with real life issues — the ones we all face, but seldom talk about. Instead of hiding behind flowery language or esoteric approaches, Mark deals with life as it really is — even the messy parts. Mark’s practical insights and down-to-earth approach have made him a popular choice as a motivational speaker at corporate and employee events. He knows how to work through the challenging situations in life and business, and help people achieve the success they’ve been looking for — with simple, workable solutions to help them Win at Life.

30 Daily Inspirations

You are probably hearing a lot of bad news right now. The news cycle is simply overwhelming, plus you're seeing a lot of things posted on social media. You may be at your limit. Here you can find 30 short inspirational messages to lift you up each day.

Coronavirus Update

You have been dealing with a lot of changes this week with all of the news about the Coronavirus epidemic. Maybe it's impacted you and your family directly. At Rock Creek, are here for you, but we can't meet together right now. After consulting with medical professionals, we have chosen not to meet on-campus, but you can join us online. Below you will find worship services to inspire you during this time.

Weekend Services

Conversation Experience

Join in the conversation with us. Rather than just listening to a pastor teach, this format brings you into a conversation with ordinary people talking about real life problems and the truth of God’s Word, the Bible.

Your Walk with Christ

Jesus wants a relationship with you!

Salvation is the gift of God for all humanity and is offered freely to all who accept Jesus as Lord and Savior! Jesus took our place on the Cross and shed His own blood for our sin that we might be rightly related to God.

Personal Worship Experience

Rock cREEK worship

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a break and enter into a time of worship with the Rock Creek worship team. You can simply listen to the songs in a quiet place or join in to sing. Maybe even gather your whole family to join you. 

Daily Devotionals


You can receive a daily message of hope and inspiration from Pastor Mark Evans. This is a great way to start your day. You could even watch one of these after you’ve exhausted yourself watching the news. Find some encouragement when you really need it.



Small Group Curriculum

Small Group Curriculum

Whether you gather with a few friends online or bring your family together, you can discuss Scriptural truths based on our pastor’s teaching. This is a great way for you to learn about what God has for you.

Study Guides

Rock Creek Stories

Vision and Values

Study Guides

Rock Creek Ministries


You can find a place to plug in at Rock Creek. We offer opportunities for men, women, couples, students, children, recovery, and much more. This is a great way to meet others just like you.

Men’s Study

Small Group University

Ready to take the next step into life or into leadership? Small Group University is designed to equip you with the skills and the tools you need to lead those you influence and to live the way God intended.

Study Guides

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